$ pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade
import telebot
import time
bot = telebot.TeleBot('TOKEN')
def extract_unique_code(text):
# Extracts the unique_code from the sent /start command.
return text.split()[1] if len(text.split()) > 1 else None
def in_storage(unique_code):
# Should check if a unique code exists in storage
return True
def get_username_from_storage(unique_code):
# Does a query to the storage, retrieving the associated username
# Should be replaced by a real database-lookup.
return "ABC" if in_storage(unique_code) else None
def save_chat_id(chat_id, username):
# Save the chat_id->username to storage
# Should be replaced by a real database query.
def send_welcome(message):
unique_code = extract_unique_code(message.text)
if unique_code: # if the '/start' command contains a unique_code
username = get_username_from_storage(unique_code)
if username: # if the username exists in our database
save_chat_id(message.chat.id, username)
reply = "Hello {0}, how are you?".format(username)
reply = "I have no clue who you are..."
reply = "Please visit me via a provided URL from the website."
bot.reply_to(message, reply)
while True: