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my_name ="your name here "# you can add perenthisisprint(my_name)
# in python you can declare a variable by simply typing the variable name and assigning a value to it, no keywords needed. like so:
variable_name ='value'# there are 4 types of values you can store in python, just like most languages.# a string: 'Helo word!'# an integer: 1010001# a float: 1010101.7# and last, a boolean: True or False# when you have declared a variable you can call it by simpely typing its nameprint(variable_name)# happy coding!
#to create a variable in python:
var =15#var is the variable name and 15 is it's valueprint(var)#prints the variable var's value
var2 = var +15#creating a new variable and value is var + 15print(var2)#prints var2 which would be 30# By Codexel
#declaring different type of variables in python
variable1 ="value"# string
variable2 =1000000# integer
variable3 =10000.0# real/float
variable4 =True# boolean: True or False
#How to print a variable the code below sets a variable to Hello, World!
variable ="Hello, World!"#Use the print function to write out anything (the name variable after the print function is the name of the variable you want to print)print(variable)
#single name variable
name ="Your name"#recomended naming of compound or multiple names are seperated by underscore _
some_variable_name ="Name of the the variable"
# Variables in Python are used to store some data in it and use it over and# over again # Variables can store Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans
var_string ="Hello World!"
var_integer =1234567890# any number
var_float =3.14159# any number with decimal value
var_boolean =True# True or False
#creating variable in python
a =15#it is called integer
b ='apple'#any word or number written in this "" is called string
c =False#True or False is called boolean
d =2.45#any number with point is called floatprint(a)print(b)print(c)print(d)#it will print all the values
#Varibles Guide:
b ="Varibles!"#STRING
c =True#BOOLEN Hey, this is an edit, sorry for having it as true not True, caps matter.
d =False#BOOLEN Hey, this is an edit, sorry for having it as false not False, caps matter.
// no need to define variables explicitly like in java or c++// we need to define them in __init__ method that creates, this i8s the key
// __init__ basically it's constructor
// instance variables for the current object self( which denotes your created instance)classA:def__init__(self,d):
//above automaticaaly creates an instance variable d for you classobject
ob=A(4)// creates object ob with1 instance variable d initialised to 4
ALSO NOTE://in python there is no distinction between pointer variable and// normal variable we use same syntax for both unlike c++// so how python distinguishes b/w a reference and normal var?
// by seeing what is being assigned to it on RHS