

rename duplicates in list python

[v + str(mylist[:i].count(v) + 1) if mylist.count(v) > 1 else v for i, v in enumerate(mylist)]

python rename duplicate strings in list

mylist = ["name", "state", "name", "city", "city", "name", "zip", "zip", "name"]

dups = {}

for i, val in enumerate(mylist):
    if val not in dups:
        # Store index of first occurrence and occurrence value
        dups[val] = [i, 1]
        # Special case for first occurrence
        if dups[val][1] == 1:
            mylist[dups[val][0]] += str(dups[val][1])

        # Increment occurrence value, index value doesn't matter anymore
        dups[val][1] += 1

        # Use stored occurrence value
        mylist[i] += str(dups[val][1])

print mylist

# ['name1', 'state', 'name2', 'city1', 'city2', 'name3', 'zip1', 'zip2', 'name4']

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