

ring Type Hints Library

load "typehints.ring"

see sum(3,4) + nl ;
see sayHello("Mahmoud");

int func sum(int x,int y) {
        return x+y ;

string func sayHello(string name) {
        return "Hello " + name ;

ring Type Hints Library user types

load "typehints.ring"

import mypackage

test()  { main([:one,:two,:three]) }

myclass func test() {
        see "Testing User Types!" + nl
        return new myclass

package mypackage {
        public class myclass {
                public static void func main(list args) {
                        see "welcome" + nl
                        see args

ring Type Hints Library use the types inside the code

load "typehints.ring"

int     sum = sum(3,4)
string  msg = sayHello("Mahmoud")

see "Sum = " + sum + nl + msg + nl

int func sum(int x,int y) {
        return x+y ;

string func sayHello(string name) {
        return "Hello " + name ;

Code Example
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Python :: get predict proba category order 
Python :: how to check if a function is callable in puyjom 
Python :: when to register app in django 
Source link
6+9 =