

the operands of the logical operators should be boolean expressions, but python is not very strict. any nonzero number is interpreted as true.

      x != y               # x is not equal to y
      x > y                # x is greater than y
      x < y                # x is less than y
      x >= y               # x is greater than or equal to y
      x <= y               # x is less than or equal to y
      x is y               # x is the same as y
      x is not y           # x is not the same as y

Code Example
Python :: Django - include app urls 
Python :: python replace first 
Python :: how to redirect in flask to the same page 
Python :: python append element to array 
Python :: global keyword python 
Python :: drop nulll python 
Python :: turtle write 
Python :: Python how to use __gt__ 
Python :: new in python 
Python :: file handling modes in python 
Python :: accessing data on django sessionstore 
Python :: get guild member list 
Python :: python swap two elements 
Python :: python make a list of odd numbers 
Python :: python how to open a file in a different directory in mac 
Python :: pthon - progressbar 
Python :: python class name 
Python :: Python loop to run for certain amount of seconds 
Python :: last history of whatsapp message with python 
Python :: errno 13 permission denied python 
Python :: await async function from non async python 
Python :: how to make a python app for android 
Python :: python turn true or false into 0 or 1 
Python :: plt change grid color 
Python :: how to delete a specific line in a file 
Python :: convert decimal to binary in python 
Python :: colored text in py 
Python :: python convert list to absolute value 
Python :: python kill process by name 
Python :: first 5 letters of a string python 
Source link
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