"""Use of _ as a variable
It is to indicate throwaway variables,
...i.e. variables that are not reused anywhere else (as they are...
...not logically important) but for syntax reasons you have to put
This saves space for variables that are actually reused...
...and provides a good mental model for essential and unessential parts...
...of your code
Of course, take this as a guideline.
There are instances where naming those variables are better for readability...
...especially in group projects
Check out the source for more info!
lst1 = [_ for _ in range(10)]
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
#single name variable
name = "Your name"
#recomended naming of compound or multiple names are seperated by underscore _
some_variable_name = "Name of the the variable"
# Variables in Python are used to store some data in it and use it over and
# over again
# Variables can store Strings, Integers, Floats, Booleans
var_string = "Hello World!"
var_integer = 1234567890 # any number
var_float = 3.14159 # any number with decimal value
var_boolean = True # True or False
#creating variable in python
a = 15 #it is called integer
b = 'apple' #any word or number written in this "" is called string
c = False #True or False is called boolean
d = 2.45 #any number with point is called float
#it will print all the values
#Varibles Guide:
a = 5 #NUMBER
b = "Varibles!" #STRING
c = True #BOOLEN Hey, this is an edit, sorry for having it as true not True, caps matter.
d = False #BOOLEN Hey, this is an edit, sorry for having it as false not False, caps matter.