

vertica long running queries

=> SELECT user_name, start_timestamp, request_duration_ms, transaction_id, statement_id, substr(request, 0, 1000) as request FROM v_monitor.query_requests WHERE transaction_id > 0 ORDER BY request_duration_ms DESC limit 10;

user_name |        start_timestamp        | request_duration_ms |   transaction_id  | statement_id |                                request
dbadmin   | 2017-03-30 12:33:56.381062-04 |             7567403 | 45035996274122533 |            1 | SELECT identifier, query FROM query_profiles;
dbadmin   | 2017-03-23 13:17:45.350174-04 |             6993612 | 45035996274068604 |            2 | select counter_name from execution_engine_profiles;
dbadmin   | 2017-03-13 13:17:12.618154-04 |             2195859 | 45035996273989990 |            2 | select * from customer_dimension;
dbadmin   | 2017-03-23 15:14:44.586491-04 |              988246 | 45035996274068604 |            4 | select * from execution_engine_profiles;
dbadmin   | 2017-04-13 10:08:21.999011-04 |              735847 | 45035996274232535 |           13 | SELECT * FROM v_monitor.system_resource_usage ORDER BY end_time DESC;

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Source link
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