

where are python libraries installed in windows

pip list -v  # Or pip3 list -v 

# output example (windows 10):
# Package                   Version   Location                                                         Installer
# ------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
# adal                      0.4.5     c:users	estappdata
oamingpythonpython36site-packages      pip
# aiocache                  0.10.0    c:program filespython36libsite-packages

where is python installed windows

1. Open start menu and type python
2. Right click on python and select open file location. It will a window in explorer just like below.
3. Again , right click on selected python and select open file location. A window will open and you are now in python’s installation directory.

where are python libraries installed in windows

Python usually stores its library (and thereby your site-packages folder) 
in the installation directory. So, if you had installed Python to 
C:Python, the default library would reside in C:PythonLib 
and third-party modules should be stored in C:PythonLibsite-packages.

Code Example
Python :: python strip whitespace 
Python :: how to add string in csv in python 
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Python :: return variable python 
Python :: how to save python-pptx 
Python :: what is admin.tabularinline django 
Python :: python if file exist 
Python :: treesitter python 
Python :: python max counts 
Python :: python startswith method 
Python :: Dictionary Cache 
Python :: fill column based on values of another column 
Python :: python dictionary with dot notation 
Python :: star program in python using for loop 
Python :: add text to axis 
Python :: split a pd dataframe 
Python :: pandas set one column equal to another 
Python :: every second value python 
Python :: python types of loops 
Python :: run python in c ++ 
Python :: insertion sort 
Python :: Convert Int to String Using format() method 
Python :: Python NumPy insert Function Syntax 
Python :: python dataframe sort by column name 
Python :: find type of an element in list python 
Python :: flask orm update query 
Python :: how to declare a lambda function in python 
Python :: python dictionary print key value ascending order 
Python :: FileSystemStorage django 
Source link
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