

while scraping table data i am getting output as none

for row in soup.find('table', id='dailyClimate').find_all('tr'):

while scraping table data i am getting output as none

for row in'table#dailyClimate tr'):

while scraping table data i am getting output as none

In [1]: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
   ...: import requests
   ...: import re
   ...: url = ""
   ...: html = requests.get(url).content
   ...: bsObj = BeautifulSoup(re.sub("<!--|-->","", html), "lxml")
   ...: officials = bsObj.find(id="officials")
   ...: print(officials)

<table class="suppress_all sortable stats_table" data-cols-to-freeze="0" id="officials"><caption>Officials Table</caption><tr class="thead onecell"><td class=" center" colspan="2" data-stat="onecell">Officials</td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Referee</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/ColeWa0r.htm">Walt Coleman</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Umpire</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/ElliRo0r.htm">Roy Ellison</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Head Linesman</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/BergJe1r.htm">Jerry Bergman</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Field Judge</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/GautGr0r.htm">Greg Gautreaux</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Back Judge</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/YettGr0r.htm">Greg Yette</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Side Judge</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/PattRi0r.htm">Rick Patterson</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class=" " data-stat="ref_pos" scope="row">Line Judge</th><td class=" " data-stat="name"><a href="/officials/BaynRu0r.htm">Rusty Baynes</a></td></tr>

In [2]: 

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Source link
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