dat <- read.csv("Baguio.csv", header=FALSE)
y <- dat$V1
t <- 1:73
rg <- diff(range(y))
nff = function(x = NULL, n = NULL, up = 10L, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, main = NULL, ...){
#The direct transformation
#The first frequency is DC, the rest are duplicated
dff = fft(x)
#The time
t = seq(from = 1, to = length(x))
#Upsampled time
nt = seq(from = 1, to = length(x)+1-1/up, by = 1/up)
#New spectrum
ndff = array(data = 0, dim = c(length(nt), 1L))
ndff[1] = dff[1] #Always, it's the DC component
if(n != 0){
ndff[2:(n+1)] = dff[2:(n+1)] #The positive frequencies always come first
#The negative ones are trickier
ndff[length(ndff):(length(ndff) - n + 1)] = dff[length(x):(length(x) - n + 1)]
#The inverses
indff = fft(ndff/73, inverse = TRUE)
idff = fft(dff/73, inverse = TRUE)
plot(x = t, y = x, pch = 16L, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Measurement",
main = ifelse(is.null(main), paste(n, "harmonics"), main))
lines(y = Mod(idff), x = t, col = adjustcolor(1L, alpha = 0.5))
lines(y = Mod(indff), x = nt, ...)
ret = data.frame(time = nt, y = Mod(indff))