apply(extra4, 2, as.numeric)
sapply(extra4, as.numeric)
class(extra4) <- "numeric"
storage.mode(extra4) <- "numeric"
Code Example |
R :: r seq |
R :: columns of a datafram in r |
R :: how to itterate through a character in r |
R :: filter date in r |
R :: how to read multiple csv files from a directory in r |
R :: sequence r |
R :: turn row names into column in r |
R :: describe data in r |
R :: R extract regex from string |
R :: convert first row to header in r |
R :: table() in r |
R :: Reorder bars in geom_bar ggplot2 by value |
R :: how to change legend title in r |
R :: if a condition is true skip loop r |
R :: select columns r |
R :: generate pair with one same variable in r |
R :: barplot_spacewidth |
R :: dplyr mutate with conditional values |
R :: cut function R |
R :: store list in data.frame R |
R :: how the print backslash in r |
R :: concatenate r |
Rust :: rust convertinging string to int |
Rust :: rust loop n times |
Rust :: reverse vec rust |
Rust :: how to implement the copy trait for a struct rust |
Rust :: rust comment types |
Rust :: rust enter number from keyboard / stdin |
Rust :: rust create derive trait |
Rust :: rust sort vec of f64 |