

apt vs apt-get

Advanced Packaging Tool (APT)'s origins start in Debian - a distro from where
many other distros started from. APT is simply set of APIs. The command 
line tools apt and apt-get interact with APT. In summary,

- apt: The more user friendlier version of the tools.
- apt-get: The older of the two, backwards compatible and OG developer focused.
(there are others: apt-cache, ...)

Conclusion: Stick with apt if you can. Use apt-get if you need specific function
alities that are otherwise unavialable. Doesnt matter much anyways none are dep

apt vs apt get

They are very similar command line tools available in Trusty (14.04) and later. 
apt-get and apt-cache's most commonly used commands are available in apt.

apt-get may be considered as lower-level and "back-end", and support other APT-based tools. 
apt is designed for end-users (human) and its output may be changed between versions.

READ MORE: from the sourc link.. 


Code Example
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Shell :: git remove first stash 
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Shell :: Command "server:run" is not defined. 
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Shell :: how to get token of a raw github file 
Shell :: gitignore is not working 
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Shell :: git remove from history 
Shell :: how to unistall dependencies 
Shell :: repo from bitbucket to github 
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Source link
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