echo Hello World!
echo '#!bin/bash' > filename
# works with and without extention, if you want extention do filename.sh
chmod +x filename
# The bash function below utilizes the CLI tool psql to vacuum analyze tables
# in a single schema which can be identified by either passing the name of
# the schema as the first parameter to the function
# or setting the environment variable PG_SCHEMA:
vacuum_analyze_schema() {
# vacuum analyze only the tables in the specified schema
# postgres info can be supplied by either passing it as parameters to this
# function, setting environment variables or a combination of the two
local pg_schema="${1:-${PG_SCHEMA}}"
local pg_db="${2:-${PG_DB}}"
local pg_user="${3:-${PG_USER}}"
local pg_host="${4:-${PG_HOST}}"
echo "Vacuuming schema `${pg_schema}`:"
# extract schema table names from psql output and put them in a bash array
local psql_tbls="dt ${pg_schema}.*"
local sed_str="s/${pg_schema}s+|s+(w+)s+|.*/1/p"
local table_names=$( echo "${psql_tbls}" | psql -d "${pg_db}" -U "${pg_user}" -h "${pg_host}" | sed -nr "${sed_str}" )
local tables_array=( $( echo "${table_names}" | tr '
' ' ' ) )
# loop through the table names creating and executing a vacuum
# command for each one
for t in "${tables_array[@]}"; do
echo "doing table `${t}`..."
psql -d "${pg_db}" -U "${pg_user}" -h "${pg_host}"
-c "VACUUM (ANALYZE) ${pg_schema}.${t};"