

shell shortcuts

CTRL+A # go to beginning of line
CTRL+B # moves backward one character
CTRL+C # stops the current command
CTRL+D # deletes one character backward or logs out of current session
CTRL+E # go to end of line
CTRL+F # moves forward one character
CTRL+G # aborts the current editing command and ring the terminal bell
CTRL+K # deletes (kill) forward to end of line
CTRL+L # clears screen and redisplay the line
CTRL+N # next line in command history
CTRL+R # searches in your command history
CTRL+T # transposes two characters
CTRL+U # kills backward to the beginning of line
CTRL+W # kills the word behind the cursor
CTRL+Y # retrieves last deleted string
CTRL+Z # stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background

bash shortcuts

Bash shortcut – Navigation
Ctrl + a Go to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + e Go to the end of the line.
Alt + f Move the cursor forward one word.
Alt + b Move the cursor back one word.
Ctrl + f Move the cursor forward one character.
Ctrl + b Move the cursor back one character.
Ctrl + x, x Toggle between the current cursor position and the beginning of the line.

bash keyboard shortcuts

# Add to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases the follow command:
bind '"C-f": "C-a YOUR_COMMAND C-j"'

# Example: 
bind '"C-f": "C-a echo $(date) C-j"'
# When you press `CTRL`+`F` will run YOUR_COMMAND.

bash keyboard shortcuts

## For BASH
# Add to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases the follow command:
bind '"C-f": "C-a YOUR_COMMAND C-j"'

# Example: 
bind '"C-f": "C-a echo $(date) C-j"' # CTRL+F run YOUR_COMMAND

## For ZSH
# Add to your ~/.zshrc the follow command:
bindkey -s "C-f" "C-a YOUR_COMMAND C-j"

# Example: 
bindkey -s "C-f" "C-a date C-j" # CTRL+F

Code Example
Shell :: install strapi 
Shell :: linux port 
Shell :: split string in shell script 
Shell :: microsoft todo for linux 
Shell :: list all running processes linux 
Shell :: install hyperopt 
Shell :: install jupyter notebook 
Shell :: flutter devices 
Shell :: shell script to count number of lines in a file 
Shell :: git add email 
Shell :: how to add color in text github readme 
Shell :: docker compose keep container running 
Shell :: how to create a new file in kali linux 
Shell :: install pytorch for cuda 10.0 
Shell :: powershell check file extension 
Shell :: create symbolic link linux 
Shell :: golang 
Shell :: random hex chars bash 
Shell :: sudo a terminal is required to read the password 
Shell :: whoami linux 
Shell :: tinymce django install 
Shell :: git pull remote changes to local 
Shell :: chromium on linux 
Shell :: chokidar npm 
Shell :: install appx package windows 
Shell :: rails scaffold 
Shell :: yum uninstall package 
Shell :: git chnage to commit id 
Shell :: apt-key export import 
Shell :: command to check pip3 version on linux 
Source link
9+7 =