

linux linebreaks script bash

If the statement would be correct without continuation, you need to use . Therefore, the following works without a backslash, as you can't end a command with a &&:

echo 1 &&
echo 2
Here, you need the backslash:

echo 1 2 3 

echo 1 
&& echo 2
Otherwise, bash would execute the command right after processing the first line without waiting for the next one.

break line bash

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 	Para utilizar saltos de linea en la orden echo utilizar la opción "-e" y 		#
# 	todo el texto entre comillas dobles. El salto de linea se representa como "
"  #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# 	To use line breaks in the echo command use the "-e" option and 					#
#	enclose all text in double quotes. The line break is represented as "-e". 		#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
##################################### EXAMPLE #######################################

echo -e "
 testing line breaks with 
 the echo command

########### OUTPUT #########
| --------------------------------- |
|						            |
| testing line breaks with 			|
| the echo command		   			|
|						   			|
| --------------------------------- |

Code Example
Shell :: setup ftp server linux 
Shell :: certbot configure 
Shell :: How do I run multiple commands on one line in PowerShell? 
Shell :: linux redirect everything (stdout and stderr) to file 
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Shell :: how to install homebrew 
Shell :: install brew on mac m1 
Shell :: How to remove local (untracked) files from the current Git working tree 
Shell :: start new git repo from project 
Shell :: Command for installing Brave browser 
Shell :: Sublime Text install Ubuntu/Debian 
Shell :: clone a git branch 
Shell :: bash division integer 
Shell :: tag gdb follow fork 
Shell :: latest dart sdk version 
Shell :: duplicate clone remote branch locally git 
Shell :: readme folder structure 
Shell :: keep only last line bash 
Shell :: install choclatey 
Shell :: docker make container run forever 
Shell :: git undo merge 
Shell :: creating a branch in git 
Shell :: choco chrome install 
Shell :: linux sha256 checksum 
Shell :: Grab IP address only (Linux) 
Shell :: windows ssh-copy-id 
Shell :: git revert one file 
Shell :: linux find where program is installed 
Shell :: Steps to deploy your flutter project with surge 
Shell :: install packages from pipfile 
Source link
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