

cat command in linux

cat command allows us to 
create single or multiple files,view contain of file, concatenate files and redirect output in terminal or files.


cat command

# cat command be used to show, create and redirect the contents of file
# create file called test.txt and ask for input
cat >test.txt
# show command 
cat text.txt
# Combinint multiple files into single files
cat text text2 text3 > text3

cat stands for in linux

Cat is short for concatenate. This command displays the contents of one or more files without having to open the file for editing.

cat linux

cat file # Prints content of file in console
cat file1 file2 > file3 # Prints content of file1 and file2 into file3
cat -n file # Prints content of file enumerated (-n)

cat command

$cat filename
# will output file content to stdout

what is the use of cat command in linux

cat command allows us to 
create single or multiple files,view contain of file, concatenate files and redirect output in terminal or files.

Cat is short for concatenate. This command displays the contents of one or more files without having to open the file for editing.

cat in bash shell

cat allows for you to write multiple lines of code without having to physically enter the file. You can use the command cat > filenmae - this works for windows' git bash

Code Example
Shell :: how to change port for xampp 
Shell :: how to append two file sin bash 
Shell :: connect-session-sequelize installation 
Shell :: how to undo local commit git 
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Shell :: create .pem file from crt 
Shell :: shell iterate over lines in variable 
Shell :: ubuntu windows root directory 
Shell :: git reset staged files 
Shell :: linux stop running script 
Shell :: remove all local changes git 
Shell :: rm directory linux 
Shell :: no shell command in vs code 
Shell :: bash for stdin 
Shell :: install vagrant ubuntu 
Shell :: tailwindcss 
Shell :: git change author of last 2 commits 
Shell :: ionic download 
Shell :: how to start elasticsearch correctly 
Shell :: install docker-machine linux 
Shell :: Reinstalling SpaceVim Plugin 
Shell :: windows start shortcut cmd administrator 
Shell :: rename branch name in git 
Shell :: docker create image 
Shell :: video editor for ubuntu 21.10 
Shell :: pulling a branch from github 
Shell :: how to install imsomnia on manjaro linux 
Shell :: add alias fish shell 
Shell :: tar multiple files and directories 
Shell :: install spotify on ubuntu 
Source link
7+2 =