

chmod 777

chmod -R 777 directory

chmod 777 command in linux

chmod -R 777 your_directory_name

chmod 777

755 - Owner has all, and Group and Other can read and execute
700 - Owner has all
644 - Owner can read and write, and Group and Other can read
600 - Owner can read and write
And, if you're using non-trivial user groups:
775 - Owner can read and write, and Group and Other can read
770 - Owner and Group have all, and Other can read and execute
750 - Owner has all, and Group can read and execute
664 - Owner and Group can read and write, and Other can just read
660 - Owner and Group can read and write
640 - Owner can read and write, and Group can read
777 and 666 are rarely used, except in /tmp.

chmod 777 meaning

Setting 777 permissions to a file or directory 
means that it will be readable, writable and executable
by all users and may pose a huge security risk

Code Example
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Shell :: git compare two branches 
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Source link
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