

command to find a file or directory in the current directory

find . -name 'filename or wildcard'
# Example;
find . -name '*.js'

# -name is case sensitive. 
# To find using name irrespective of case (case insensitive) use the option -name
# Example;
find . -type f -iname 'F*' 

# for files only (ignore directories) -type f 
# for directories only -type d
# for symbolic links -type l
# Example; 
find . -name -type d '*E*'

# To find using the -or operator
find . -name -type d '*E*' -or -name 'F*'

# To find by size; e.g 
# files larger than 100KB
find . -type f -size +100k

# files less than 20GB
find . -type f -size -20G

# files larger than 100MB but less than 250MB
find . -type f -size +100M -size -250M

# To find by time; e.g
# files edited more than 2 days alongside
find . -type f -mtime +2

# files edited within the last 3 days
find . -type f -mtime -3

# files edited in the last 24 hours
find . -type f -mtime -1

# To delete the file(s) after finding, simply add -delete after the command
# e.g; To delete all files edited less than 3 days ago;
find . -type f -mtime -3 -delete

# To execute additional commands on the result of find command,
# use the -exec option as below
find . -type f -size +100M -size -250M -exec ls -l {} ;

Code Example
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Source link
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