

find the first occurence with grep in a linux file

cat $fileName | grep -im <number_of_times_we_want_the_contents_to_be_displayed> <text_search>

e.g:	cat file1.txt | grep -im 1 "my_text"

# The line above will cat file1.txt and search for only one existence of text "my_text" inside file1.txt.
# If there are 3 lines with text "my_text" in file1.txt it will print it only once.
# -m NUM, --max-count=NUM
#              Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines.  If the input
#              is standard input from a regular  file,  and  NUM  matching
#              lines  are  output, grep ensures that the standard input is
#              positioned to just after  the  last  matching  line  before
#              exiting,  regardless  of  the  presence of trailing context
#              lines.  This enables a calling process to resume a  search.
#              When  grep  stops  after NUM matching lines, it outputs any
#              trailing context lines.  When the -c or --count  option  is
#              also  used,  grep does not output a count greater than NUM.
#              When the -v or --invert-match option  is  also  used,  grep
#              stops after outputting NUM non-matching lines.

Code Example
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Source link
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