

Fixing Flutter ios build errors

1st: Run these commands to remove old generated ios files 

rm -Rf ios/Pods
rm -Rf ios/.symlinks
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.framework
rm -Rf ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
rm ios/Podfile

2nd: Delete Podfile.lock (YourPoject/ios/Podfile.lock)

3rd: Run 

flutter clean &&
cd ios/ &&
sudo gem install cocoapods --pre &&
pod deintegrate &&
cd .. &&
flutter pub get &&
cd ios/ &&
pod install --repo-update &&
cd .. &&
flutter build ios --debug --simulator
pod install --repo-update 
(Make sure your cd into the iOS directory of the flutter app)

Code Example
Shell :: Log sync requires rsync to be installed. 
Shell :: are trying to install ruby-2.7.0 on heroku-20. remote: ! remote: ! Ruby ruby-2.7.0 is present on the following stacks: remote: ! remote: ! - heroku-18 
Shell :: parallel downloading arch 
Shell :: vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 
Shell :: bash variable substitution 
Shell :: aos animation vue 
Shell :: run command on terminal startup 
Shell :: github filter not label 
Shell :: run nock in debug 
Shell :: zsh-autosuggestions change key 
Shell :: sudo: gitlab-runner: command not found 
Shell :: how to take two ip addresses and perform arithemetic bash 
Shell :: find largest digit in a number 
Shell :: scp command show status 
Shell :: softwareupdate mac bash 
Shell :: ghc change version 
Shell :: install docker ce on centos 
Shell :: start brave with tor terminal 
Shell :: pipe multi-line string into file 
Shell :: Linux using GitHub 
Shell :: connect different volumes docker container 
Shell :: linux ssh 
Shell :: linux cat with syntax highlighting 
Shell :: linux find file 
Shell :: format of functions in bash shell script 
Shell :: how to generate ssh keys for git 
Shell :: check login info on mac os 
Shell :: `path` for shell provisioner does not exist on the host system: 
Shell :: xstate install 
Shell :: github action on every commit 
Source link
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