

git flow release

#Starting a release create a branch release/release_version
#tipically version are Semantic Versioning standard X.Y.Z
git flow release start release_version
#Finish a release, remember to update your application version!
git flow release finish release_version
#Remember to push all branches and tags
git push --all --follow-tags

git flow feature

#Open a feature branch named: feature/feature_name
git flow feature start feature_name
#Close a feature branch
git flow feature finish feature_name
#Remember to push all branches
git push --all

Git Flow

The best way to learn about git flow is on the website:

git flow

#Github pull request flow:
#Checkout to main and make sure local is up to date.
1. git checkout main (or master)
2. git pull
#Start new branch (or skip to step 9 if existing branch)
3. git checkout -b yourBranchName
4. #add new code
5. git add . 
6. git commit -m your message
#Go back to main branch and update local
7. git checkout main
8. git pull
9. git checkout yourBranchName
10. git merge main
11. #run local version of code to make sure functionality still works
12. git push origin yourBranchName
13. ##go to github and create a pull request

Code Example
Shell :: Start MySQL FreeBSD 
Shell :: show hidden files mac 
Shell :: Create and edit a new file nano 
Shell :: move files from local to remote ssh 
Shell :: xampp install in linux fedora 
Shell :: .gitignore everything except 
Shell :: github new repository 
Shell :: docker build and run one command 
Shell :: git flow sourcetree command 
Shell :: git fetch 
Shell :: edit alias terminal 
Shell :: install wordpress linux 
Shell :: how to check ip addres on manjero 
Shell :: how can fix some refs in git github 
Shell :: c# check if word is installed 
Shell :: how to paste the lines in the buffer into the text after the current line in vi 
Shell :: create a tunnel via permanently 
Shell :: opencart install extension Invalid file type! 
Shell :: kill nohup task job 
Shell :: Exception: No Linux desktop project configured. 
Shell :: find and kill android device offline on Mac 
Shell :: ubuntu history to file without line number 
Shell :: Log sync requires rsync to be installed. 
Shell :: launch bash script at startup linux 
Shell :: bash redirect stderr to null 
Shell :: rmd no output 
Shell :: bash get line from file 
Shell :: gh configure vim 
Shell :: got push SSH 
Shell :: notifications are currently provided by knopwob dunst 
Source link
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