

remove a directory

# To remove an Empty directory, Use
$ sudo rmdir folder-name

# If it is not a empty directory, then rm command can be used
$ sudo rm -rf folder-name

Deleting or removing a directory or folder

you can delete a folder using rmdir:
The folder you delete must be empty.

$ mkdir fruits
$ rmdir fruits

You can also delete multiple folders at once:

$ mkdir fruits cars
$ rmdir fruits cars

To delete folders with files in them, we'll use the more generic 'rm' command
which deletes files and folders, using the
-rf options:

$ rm -rf fruits cars

Be careful as this command does not ask for confirmation and it will
immediately remove anything you ask it to remove.
There is no bin when removing files from the command line, and recovering
lost files can be hard.

How to remove Directories with rm

rm -d directory

remove directory command line

Rmdir "C:myfolder"

Delete Directory

//delete directory
string deleteDirectoryPath = @"C:UsersYogeshkumar HadiyaDesktopDirectoryHandling";
if (Directory.Exists(deleteDirectoryPath))
    Console.WriteLine("Directory deleted at " + createDirectoryPath);
    Console.WriteLine("Directory not found at " + createDirectoryPath);

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