

change git commit message

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

edit last commit message

git commit --amend -m "New commit message."

amend last commit message

$ git commit --amend -m "New and correct message"

git edit last commit message

# with file changes
git commit --amend -m "Commit Message"

# without file changes, update only commit message
git commit --amend -m "Updated Commit Message" --no-edit

git amend last commit message

$ git commit --amend -m "New and correct message"

github change last commit message

# for the most recent commit
git commit --amend -m "changed commits"
git push -f
# for n older commits
git rebase -i HEAD~n
# follow instuctions e.g. use r for reword to edit older commits
# removing a line means THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. 
git rebase --continue
# solve conflicts if exist
git push -f
# git push --force-with-lease origin <branch> is safer

change commit message

git commit --amend
// press enter, editor would open

Editing a Commit message

$ (some_branch) git commit --amend -m "Your new commit message"

change git commit message

git commit --amend -m "New message"

change commit message git

git commit --amend -m 'commit message'

edit git commit

$ git commit --amend -m "Summary(Required)" -m "Description"

change git commit message

git commit --amend -m "changing commit message"

how to change a commit message

git commit --amend
git push --force-with-lease <repository> <branch>

git edit commit

To modify a commit that is farther back in your history, you must move
to more complex tools. Git doesn’t have a modify-history tool, 
but you can use the rebase tool to rebase a series of commits onto the 
HEAD that they were originally based on instead of moving them to 
another one. With the interactive rebase tool, you can then stop 
after each commit you want to modify and change the message, add files, 
or do whatever you wish. You can run rebase interactively by adding 
the -i option to git rebase. You must indicate how far back you want to 
rewrite commits by telling the command which commit to rebase onto.

For example, if you want to change the last three commit messages, 
or any of the commit messages in that group, you supply as an argument 
to git rebase -i the parent of the last commit you want to edit, 
which is HEAD~2^ or HEAD~3. It may be easier to remember the ~3 
because you’re trying to edit the last three commits, but keep in 
mind that you’re actually designating four commits ago, the parent 
of the last commit you want to edit:

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3

Remember again that this is a rebasing command — every commit in the
range HEAD~3..HEAD with a changed message and all of its descendants
will be rewritten. Don’t include any commit you’ve already pushed to
a central server — doing so will confuse other developers by providing
an alternate version of the same change.

Running this command gives you a list of commits in your text editor
that looks something like this:

pick f7f3f6d Change my name a bit
pick 310154e Update README formatting and add blame
pick a5f4a0d Add cat-file


If, instead of “pick” or “edit”, you specify “squash”, Git applies 
both that change and the change directly before it and makes you 
merge the commit messages together. So, if you want to make a single 
commit from these three commits, you make the script look like this:

pick f7f3f6d Change my name a bit
squash 310154e Update README formatting and add blame
squash a5f4a0d Add cat-file


When you save and exit the editor, Git applies all three changes and 
then puts you back into the editor to merge the three commit messages:

# This is a combination of 3 commits.
# The first commit's message is:
Change my name a bit

# This is the 2nd commit message:
Update README formatting and add blame

# This is the 3rd commit message:
Add cat-file

When you save that, you have a single commit that introduces the changes
of all three previous commits.

git change an old commit message

git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick e459d80 Do xyz
pick 0459045 Do something
pick 90fdeab Do something else
pick facecaf Do abc

#Now replace pick with reword for the commits
# you want to edit the messages of
pick e459d80 Do xyz
reword 0459045 Do something
reword 90fdeab Do something else
pick facecaf Do abc

# Exit the editor after saving the file, 
# and next you will be prompted to edit the messages 
# for the commits you had marked reword, in one file per message.


Code Example
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Source link
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