

How to Install and Configure doctl on MacOS

-Step 1: Install doctl
-Install doctl following the directions for your package manager or operating system:
-To install the latest version of doctl using Homebrew on macOS, run:

brew install doctl

-Step 2: Create an API token
-Create a DigitalOcean API token for your account with read and write access from the Applications & API page in the control panel. The token string is only displayed once, so save it in a safe place.
-Step 3: Use the API token to grant account access to doctl
-If you installed doctl using the Ubuntu Snap package, you may need to first create the user configuration directory if it does not exist yet by running mkdir ~/.config.
-Use the API token to grant doctl access to your DigitalOcean account. Pass in the token string when prompted by doctl auth init, and give this authentication context a name.

doctl auth init --context <NAME>

-Authentication contexts let you switch between multiple authenticated accounts. You can repeat steps 2 and 3 to add other DigitalOcean accounts, then list and switch between authentication contexts:

doctl auth list
doctl auth switch --context <NAME>

-Step 4: Validate that doctl is working
-Now that doctl is authorized to use your account, try some test commands.
-To confirm that you have successfully authorized doctl, review your account details by running:

doctl account get

-If successful, the output will look like:

Email                      Droplet Limit    Email Verified    UUID                                        Status          10               true              3a56c5e109736b50e823eaebca85708ca0e5087c    active

-To confirm that you have successfully granted write access to doctl, create an Ubuntu 18.04 Droplet in the SFO2 region by running:

doctl compute droplet create --region tor1 --image ubuntu-18-04-x64 --size s-1vcpu-1gb <DROPLET-NAME>

-The output of that command will include an ID column with the new Droplet’s ID. For example:

ID           Name            Public IPv4    Private IPv4    Public IPv6    Memory    VCPUs    Disk    Region    Image                       Status    Tags    Features    Volumes
187949338    droplet-name                                                  1024      1        25      sfo2      Ubuntu 18.04.3 (LTS) x64    new

-Use that value to delete the Droplet by running:

doctl compute droplet delete <DROPLET-ID>

-When prompted, type y to confirm that you would like to delete the Droplet.
-Step 5: Install Serverless Functions support (Optional)
-To use doctl with our serverless Functions product, you must first install a software extension, then use it to connect to the development namespace.
-To install the support for serverless Functions, run the serverless install subcommand:

doctl serverless install

-This will download and install the extension, providing status updates along the way:

Downloading...Unpacking...Installing...Cleaning up...

-Next, connect to the development namespace with serverless connect:

doctl serverless connect

-This will output the name and API host of your namespace:

Connected to function namespace 'fn-feb132ee-706a-4f13-9c81-f24a3330260b' on API host ''

-You are now ready to create and deploy functions. See the [Functions Quickstart]/products/functions/quickstart/) to get started.

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