

how to merge git branch to master

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge test
git push origin master

git merge branch to master command line

git checkout master			# master is checked out
git pull					# update local
git merge new-feature		# merge branch new-feature into master
git push					# changes on remote. Then checkout a feature branch

how to merge branch to master

First we have to come in the branch which we want to merge the codes in. 
It means generally we should come into master branch in this case.
- git checkout master ==> now you are in master branch
- git pull origin master ==> We are pulling recent code from master branch 
on GitHub
- git merge develop -m "your message here" ==> to merge a develop branch 
into master branch 
- git add . 
- git commit -m "final commit"
- git push origin master
- now when other team members pull master they will see what you sent
*** git rebase LoginFeatureBranch ==> This will merge Login with Master but 
closes the LoginFeatureBranch for good (completely).

git merge master into branch

git checkout [branchname]
git merge master
git push origin [branchname]

git merge master to branch

git checkout <branchname>
git merge master -m 'your message here'
git push origin <branchname>

git merge master into branch

# 2. merge feature branch to origin/master branch
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin/master

$ git merge feature
$ git push origin/master

git merge a branch to master/main

- git checkout master #change to master branch
- git pull origin master #update your master branch from GitHub
- git merge <branchname> -m "your message here" #merge a branch into master branch 
- git add . 
- git commit -m "final commit"
- git push origin master

merge master into local branch

git checkout feature1
git merge master

merge branch to master

$ git checkout master
$ git branch new-branch
$ git checkout new-branch

# ...develop some code...

$ git add –A
$ git commit –m "Some commit message"
$ git checkout master
$ git merge new-branch

merge master into branch

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout test
git merge master
git push

merge branch into master

# ...develop some code...

$ git add –A
$ git commit –m "Some commit message"
$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ git merge new-branch

git merge to master

How to merge a branch?

#1 branchName  - development
- push all the changes in your current branch 
	- until it shows ( Everything up-to-date )
#2 branchName - production
- goto your new branch where you wana merge the changes
	- git checkout your_branch_name
    - git merge development 		( #1 branchName )
# DONE ✅ 

Merging a branch to master

$ git checkout master  
$ git merge my_feature

merge branch to master

#use new_branch
git fetch
git checkout new_branch
#add changes
git add .
#commit the changes
git commit -m 'some message'
#push to new branch
git push

#create pull request from git repo
#you can also merge from github/bitbucket using the merge button

#switch to master branch
git checkout master
#merge with new_branch
git merge new_branch
#push changes to master branch
git push

Code Example
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