

Install Nginx, MariaDB and PHP centos rhel

# Ok sometimes this is a time consuming thing, first let's try:

> dnf install -v -y nginx mariadb-server php php-cli php-bcmath php-xmlrpc php-intl php-mysqli php-gd php-pdo php-posix php-json php-curl php-zip php-fpm unzip -y

# ➥If you see something like:
    #  "All matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argument: nginx
	#  "Error: Unable to find a match: nginx
        > vim /etc/yum.conf	 # You need to REMOVE "php", "httpd" and "nginx" from this line: "exclude=httpd php nginx.." and then save and quit (esc + :wq)
> sudo dnf install epel-release 		# Installation of EPEL repository
> dnf module list nginx 				# Run to view the available Nginx versions after EPEL installation
> sudo dnf module enable nginx:1.18 	# Enabling the latest Nginx web server module
 	# ➥If you see something like:
    #  "Problems in request: (..)
    #  "Modular dependency problems with 
    #  "Defaults: (..) Problem: module php:7.2(...) requires module(nginx:1.14), but none of the providers can be installed"
        > sudo dnf module reset nginx
> sudo dnf -y install nginx 			# Install Nginx web server
> sudo systemctl enable --now nginx 	# Starting and enabling the Nginx service daemon
> sudo systemctl status nginx 			# Checking the Nginx service status

> sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service http		#  Add HTTP service permanently in the firewall
> sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service https		#  Add HTTPS service permanently in the firewall
> sudo firewall-cmd --reload 							#  After allowing the service, we need to reload the firewall service daemon.

# Checking the Nginx web server:
# Now, you can test your Nginx web server that if it is up and running or not by accessing the public IP of your server or domain name from your web browser.
# http://domain_name_or_IP
# For Instance, if the IP address of the server is So, the link will look like

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Source link
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