

install Qt5 ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install qtcreator
sudo apt-get install qt5-default

install qt creator ubuntu 20.04

sudo apt install qtcreator

#Of course, that is the only way to install the IDE, but if we do not install the necessary libraries and compilers,
#it will not do us any good. So, install them.
sudo apt install build-essential

#f you have multiple versions of Qt, you probably want 5 to be the default QTCreator version to use.
#To do this, install the following package.
sudo apt install qt-5 defaut

#Then we can begin to develop. However, it is convenient to install the QT documentation and
#its examples to help the development.
sudo apt install qt5-doc qt5-doc-html qtbase5-doc-html qtbase5-examples

Code Example
Shell :: phoneinfoga github 
Shell :: unable to resolve reference git 
Shell :: install django jazzmin 
Shell :: linux show number of cores 
Shell :: command to get number of commits 
Shell :: arch linux code 
Shell :: install transmission ubuntu 
Shell :: npm install angular do not install devkit 
Shell :: macos install airport 
Shell :: git merge binary files 
Shell :: bash: /usr/local/bin/docker-compose: No such file or directory 
Shell :: Error response from daemon: open .pipedocker_engine_linux: The system cannot find the file specified. 
Shell :: nvm update node 
Shell :: bash combine commands 
Shell :: check just name of running container 
Shell :: uninstall vmware workstation ubuntu 
Shell :: save git password and username once 
Shell :: ufw allow postgresql 
Shell :: last 2 git log entries 
Shell :: cannot connect to daemon at tcp:5037: Connection refused 
Shell :: pip install airflow 
Shell :: how to check how many files are in a folder linux 
Shell :: laravel 9 install composer 
Shell :: mac install vagrant 
Shell :: gitignore for ue4 
Shell :: gpg generate key 
Shell :: how to push local code to git repository 
Shell :: remove nvidia drivers ubuntu 
Shell :: git change email 
Shell :: customize dock in ubuntu 
Source link
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