

scikit-learn install

pip install scikit-learn
conda install scikit-learn

install scikit learn

python3 -m pip show scikit-learn  # to see which version and where scikit-learn is installedpython3 -m pip freeze  # to see all packages installed in the active virtualenvpython3 -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"python -m pip show scikit-learn  # to see which version and where scikit-learn is installedpython -m pip freeze  # to see all packages installed in the active virtualenvpython -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"python -m pip show scikit-learn  # to see which version and where scikit-learn is installedpython -m pip freeze  # to see all packages installed in the active virtualenvpython -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"python -m pip show scikit-learn  # to see which version and where scikit-learn is installedpython -m pip freeze  # to see all packages installed in the active virtualenvpython -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"conda list scikit-learn  # to see which scikit-learn version is installedconda list  # to see all packages installed in the active conda environmentpython -c "import sklearn; sklearn.show_versions()"

pip install scikit learn

python3 -m venv sklearn-venvpython -m venv sklearn-venvpython -m venv sklearn-venvsource sklearn-venv/bin/activatesource sklearn-venv/bin/activatesklearn-venvScriptsactivatepip install -U scikit-learnpip install -U scikit-learnpip install -U scikit-learnpip3 install -U scikit-learnconda create -n sklearn-envconda activate sklearn-envconda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn 

Code Example
Shell :: python install scikit learn 
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Shell :: Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908) Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully. where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On linux, open returned ENOENT. 
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Source link
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