

installing cdf

#For ubuntu cdf distribution downloadthe directory below from NASA:
# untar the: cdf38_0-dist-all.tar.gz
#Find the README file open it.
#From README this are basic instructions
#Also see the references for this solution.
make OS=linux ENV=gnu all
make INSTALLDIR=/usr/local/cdf install

Code Example
Shell :: how to take two ip addresses and perform arithemetic bash 
Shell :: how do i close my virtual window which is created by screen command in linux 
Shell :: how to grep doi from RTF file 
Shell :: linux backup command line 
Shell :: use localhost for self signed cert 
Shell :: Command to Change Users in a Linux 
Shell :: Push existing folder 
Shell :: dependencies for openboard in ubuntu 
Shell :: mkdir -p exemple 
Shell :: perl escape string for shell 
Shell :: how to sort unsorted file and to write it to a new file bash 
Shell :: MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Question -- it returned 3! 
Shell :: start brave with tor terminal 
Shell :: bash single bracket and double square bracket 
Shell :: install concrete 5 on ec2 instance 
Shell :: how to run a code in github 
Shell :: error loading webview vscode ubuntu 
Shell :: chromeos linux reboot 
Shell :: kubernetes add or remove label from existing resource 
Shell :: install wsl kali linux large full 
Shell :: how to install mongodb database in ubuntu version 
Shell :: installing metabase using docker 
Shell :: revert uncommitted changes git 
Shell :: linux split with filename extension 
Shell :: `path` for shell provisioner does not exist on the host system: 
Shell :: wait-on yarn 
Shell :: rec: command not found 
Shell :: install tesseract-ocr jpn 
Shell :: kali linux time settings 
Shell :: how to ignore .idea in Github 
Source link
9+5 =