

java ubuntu

Step 1:

Make sure that your PC (Ubuntu)is having the latest version of the Java JDK (Java Development Kit).

If it is not available then type the following command from the terminal:

    sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

This above code will install the jdk onto your PC.
Step 2:

Next step is downloading the latest version of the jGrasp from the official website of jGrasp.

The link is

Or you can directly click the below link to directlly download the .zip file of jGrasp.

The link is
Step 3:

Now you have to install the lsb-core in the ubuntu which is the Linux Standard Base.

The following can be installed from the terminal by typing command as

    sudo apt-get install lsb-core

Step 4:

Extract the .zip folder and then move to the folder jgrasp/bin and make a link of the jgrasp.

This is done using the Make Link when right click on the jgrasp file which will result in the Link to jgrasp file.
Step 5:

Rename this file to jgrasp1 or any thing of your choice.]
Step 6:

Move this file to /usr/bin and you are good to go.
Step 7:

You can run the application (jgrasp) by running a command jgrasp1 from the terminal.

Code Example
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Source link
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