

kubernetes short call

Short hand call kubernetes get resource:

- kubectl get po as pods
- kubectl get no as nodes
- kubectl get deploy as deployments
- kubectl get svc as service
- kubectl get rs as replicasets
- kubectl get ns as namespaces
- kubectl get cs as componentstatuses
- kubectl get cm	as configmaps
- kubectl get ep as endpoints
- kubectl get ev	as events
- kubectl get pva as persistentvolumes
- kubectl get csr as certificatesigningrequests

Code Example
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Shell :: Authenticate with a GitHub host. 
Shell :: Substring from the right 
Shell :: mac os tild operator 
Shell :: bash #Complete the function/method so that it returns the url with anything after the anchor (#) removed. 
Shell :: commaand creates a copy of the old file with the new name 
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Shell :: unix symbolic link 
Shell :: bash find files containing string 
Shell :: vscode command line run 
Shell :: umount device is busy 
Shell :: firebase npm install "Enter authorization code" 
Shell :: powershell merge csv files 
Shell :: grep in multiple files 
Shell :: create github repository 
Shell :: install dependencies and devDependencies at same time 
Shell :: how to install virtualmin on ubuntu 20.04 
Shell :: count specific number in array powershell 
Shell :: download stardocks sdk from nuget package 
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Php :: how to remove public from url in codeigniter 4 
Php :: laravel image validation 
Php :: php 0 padding left 
Source link
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