yu gonna hack? good luck!
"The quiter you become the more you are able to hear!" take that with you in your journey! And remember hacking has no specific path, its the pation that makes you a hacker!
the louder u r the less u hear
tryhackme.com is a good website to learn hacking. good luck
git clone https://github.com/Und3rf10w/kali-anonsurf.git
sudo mv kali-anonsurf /usr/bin
cd kali-anonsurf
sudo bash installer.sh
void Start()
Debug.Log("You can do it! I belive you can!")
Great choise for hackers. Good luck. Happy Hacking
hackier pls dont hack my motherbuord
welcome to our hack team
it wont make you good at hacking, but will make it possible to
$ apt install -y git live-build cdebootstrap
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/build-scripts/live-build-config.git
$ cd live-build-config/
$ ./build.sh --distribution kali-rolling --verbose
better choice for people like hackers
literally hacker man please no steal my ip
tryna hack?
use Hyper-v or WSL2 + XRDP, if u dont want to use vmware and virtualbox
remember kali with gnome DE =)
yes the best os for hacking and good coding
learn python
cool learn to use it tho
this platform means a lot for hacker
The first link should have the iso file download
Best Operating System for hacking.
If you can't beat TheM.... Join TheM ☠
almost there
lol a script kiddie