

nvm fish shell

# Follow This to install nvm for fish-shell
fisher install jorgebucaran/ ## This will install fish package manager Fisher
# Then install Nvm package made for fish shell
fisher install jorgebucaran/
# Then restart or write this
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"

## Install Node.js
nvm list-remote # to see all available node.js versions remotely
# Install particular Verson . You can install as many versions as you want as use one
nvm insall <version> ## example : nvm install 17.3.0
# use nvm list to list local installed versions and then use one version installed version
nvm use <version> ## example  : nvm use 17.3.0
# Now node.js is installed and using successfully

Code Example
Shell :: install node on fish-shell 
Shell :: linux grep 
Shell :: uname command 
Shell :: change commit branch after push 
Shell :: sed replace with newline 
Shell :: folium 
Shell :: how to delete branch on git 
Shell :: fstab sshfs 
Shell :: wsl export 
Shell :: create a new branch based on another branch 
Shell :: create flutter project 
Shell :: sublime downloafd 
Shell :: git pull new branch from remote 
Shell :: creating new repository 
Shell :: sshfs syntax with ssh key 
Shell :: what is group in linux? 
Shell :: remote: Permission to asfand005/test.git denied to asfand87. 
Shell :: This script makes a backup of my home directory. 
Shell :: renaming a file in linux 
Shell :: apt source "--ignore-missing" 
Shell :: gchange default from dash to bash 
Shell :: The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is 
Shell :: windows add to path 
Shell :: loading hard disk driver in rhel 8 
Shell :: linux ssh access by ip 
Shell :: ubuntu uninstall thunderbird 
Shell :: awk line range 
Shell :: bind folder linux 
Shell :: sort numbers in bash 
Shell :: mkdir -p exemple 
Source link
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