

posh git install windows

Option 1: Install posh-git via PowerShellGet on Windows (Best Way)
posh-git is available on the PowerShell Gallery and can be installed using the PowerShellGet module. To get it done through this route, Start either Windows PowerShell 5.x or PowerShell Core 6.x (pwsh) as an administrator, install PowerShellGet

Install-Module PowershellGet -Force
Then execute one of the following two commands:

For a completely new installation

##A completely new installation
PowerShellGetInstall-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser -Force
For a updating posh-git if it has ever been installed from PowerShell Gallery

PowerShellGetUpdate-Module posh-git

Code Example
Shell :: apt install openjdk 8 9 11 17 
Shell :: check solidity version 
Shell :: vs code on ubuntu 20.04 and delete old version 
Shell :: how to download from git branch 
Shell :: git pull use incoming changes. 
Shell :: compress file in terminal 
Shell :: untar .tar file 
Shell :: untar tar.gz 
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Shell :: pip silent install 
Shell :: ngitignore 
Shell :: linux ls order by size 
Shell :: powershell write return line in file 
Shell :: how to convert ppk to pem in linux 
Shell :: how to install figma for linux 
Shell :: TTTTTTTT 
Shell :: laravel install lysystem-aws-s3 
Shell :: force delete a branch in git 
Shell :: git store username and password 
Shell :: snapd remove command 
Shell :: nodemon watch file run command 
Shell :: remove user from sudo group 
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Shell :: powershell install oh-my-posh 
Shell :: aws ls wildcard 
Shell :: bun sh install 
Shell :: restart bash 
Shell :: nginx: invalid option: "restart" 
Shell :: git lines per user 
Shell :: how to install gitkraken on fedora 
Source link
6+8 =