

how to push code to github from vscode

git init                                                           // start tracking current directory
git add -A                                                         // add all files in current directory to staging area, making them available for commit
git commit -m "commit message"                                     // commit your changes
git remote add origin    // add remote repository URL which contains the required details
git pull origin master                                             // always pull from remote before pushing
git push -u origin master                                          // publish changes to your remote repository

push code to github vscode

git init                                                           // start tracking current directory
git add -A                                                         // add all files in current directory to staging area, making them available for commit
git commit -m "commit message"                                     // commit your changes
git remote add origin    // add remote repository URL which contains the required details
git pull origin master                                             // always pull from remote before pushing
git push -u origin master  

Code Example
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Source link
2+2 =