

push to github from terminal

# Just created a new public repository for a project and you want to upload all your files to..
# Once Github is set up, go to the web page for your GitHub repository and note the URL.
# Go to the comande line Or terminal directory of your project on you pc and try the follwing command step by step

git init // to initiatize the project

 git add . // Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.

 git commit -m "First commit"
git commit -m "first commit" // to comment on the project code stage and what was done of change

 git remote add origin  <REMOTE_URL> 
git remote add <project nickname> <project URL>.git // your noted url of your github project page
 git remote -v
git remote  // to see the noted url on the terminal

git pull origin master //.. optional ..  connect the remote repository to the local directory

git push origin main // push code to github
git push -u <project nickname> master 


Code Example
Shell :: nvm install 
Shell :: linux terminal show processes 
Shell :: instal kdenlive 
Shell :: aws cli upload folder to s3 
Shell :: get a loading spinner javascript 
Shell :: run mongodb on docker linux 
Shell :: ffmpeg boost audio level 
Shell :: rename remote branch in git 
Shell :: platformio install arduino lib 
Shell :: close terminal commang 
Shell :: uninstall cinnamon 
Shell :: make a desktop file in ubuntu 
Shell :: install apexcharts 
Shell :: access from ip pgsql running in docker 
Shell :: get folder from differente branch git 
Shell :: what is git 
Shell :: Git - delete specific branch 
Shell :: unity download android sdk 
Shell :: gui for wsl2 ubuntu 
Shell :: installing appimage file ubuntu 
Shell :: linux change user password 
Shell :: openssl windows 
Shell :: install rider ubuntu 
Shell :: windows cmd opens and closes 
Shell :: open folder from terminal ubuntu 
Shell :: Wine Mono is not installed 
Shell :: pytype 
Shell :: ubuntu dot to png 
Shell :: gunicorn 
Shell :: remote: fatal: pack exceeds maximum allowed size 
Source link
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