sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' hello.txt
#on my mac
sed -i -e 's/old-text/new-text/g' text.txt
Just concatenate var '"$var"' to replace values string in sed command:
$ sed -i 's/string_to_replace/'"$var"'/g' file_to_replace.txt
sed -i.bak $'s/ / /' file.txt #replace tab with sed command
sed -i "s/$var1/ZZ/g" "$file"
For using match in sed replacement, just border it with '(' and ')':
echo Before123 | sed 's/Before([0-9]*)/1After/g'
123After # number is matched withtin '( )' and replaced in '1'
Example with 2 match replacements
echo a_b | sed 's/(^.*)_(.*$)/first is 1 and 2 is after/g'
Use double quotes to make the shell expand variables while preserving whitespace:
sed -i "s/$var1/ZZ/g" "$file"
You can try this sed command
sed 's/,(.*china)/,' FileName
sed 's/,(.*china)/,' FileName > NewFile
sed -i.bak 's/,(.*china)/,' FileName
Just use a similar example with using ".*" regex with sed as following:
sed 's/match_pattern.*/replacement_of_match_and_rest_of_line/' file.txt