

run laravel git project

Run all of those commands:
composer install or php composer.phar install
mv .env.example .env or  cp .env.example .env or copy .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed to run seeders, if any.
php artisan serve

run laravel project from github

Clone your project
Go to the folder application using cd command on your cmd or terminal
Run composer install on your cmd or terminal
Copy .env.example file to .env on the root folder. You can type copy .env.example .env if using command prompt Windows or cp .env.example .env if using terminal, Ubuntu
Open your .env file and change the database name (DB_DATABASE) to whatever you have, username (DB_USERNAME) and password (DB_PASSWORD) field correspond to your configuration.
By default, the username is root and you can leave the password field empty. (This is for Xampp)
By default, the username is root and password is also root. (This is for Lamp)
Run php artisan key:generate
Run php artisan migrate
Run php artisan serve
Go to localhost:8000

Code Example
Shell :: linux remove folder and all his content 
Shell :: install choco windows 10 
Shell :: powershell open file 
Shell :: install pycharm in ubuntu 
Shell :: how to make a new branch git 
Shell :: git find merge conflicts 
Shell :: zsh command not found nvm mac 
Shell :: file descriptor bash 
Shell :: git discard staged changes 
Shell :: youtube-dl uninstall mac 
Shell :: : Failed to start A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server. -- Subject: A start job for unit nginx.service has failed 
Shell :: how to install bootstrap in angular 11 
Shell :: install ftp on ubuntu 
Shell :: how to set default editor in git 
Shell :: Connect to a VM instance by using SSH. 
Shell :: apt-key deprecated 
Shell :: blackeye linux 
Shell :: remove git remote 
Shell :: ssh connect command 
Shell :: unable to install mongodb on ubuntu 22.04 
Shell :: enzyme npm install 
Shell :: switch from npm to yarn 
Shell :: kubernetes command line to scale down pods 
Shell :: ubuntu service start example 
Shell :: error: src refspec master does not match any. 
Shell :: git stash apply undo merge conflict 
Shell :: how to install julia on ubuntu 
Shell :: firebase deploy with token 
Shell :: how to reduce slug size heroku 
Shell :: git: delete branch in local and on remote 
Source link
8+6 =