

shell profile

# There are the following initialization files for bash shells:

$ /etc/profile
      # The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells
$ /etc/bash.bashrc
      # The systemwide per-interactive-shell startup file
$ /etc/bash.bash.logout
      # The systemwide login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
$ ~/.bash_profile
      # The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
$ ~/.bashrc
      # The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
$ ~/.bash_logout
      # The individual login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
$ ~/.inputrc
      # Individual readline initialization file

# Purpose

# system-wide defaults for..
	1. /etc/profile ..login shells, for interactive shells with login
	2. /etc/bashrc ..non-login Bash shells
# user-specific defaults in home directory ~ for..
	1. ~/.profile ..login shells, called after login
	2. ~/.bashrc ..non-login shells, if already logged in
	3. ~/.bash_profile ..login shells, called after login (lower priority)

# user-specific defaults in home directory for login and logout
	1. ~/.bash_login ..login shells (called upon login)
	2. ~/.bash_logout ..login shells (called upon logout)

shell profile

# There are the following initialization files for bash shells:

$ /etc/profile
      # The systemwide initialization file, executed for login shells
$ /etc/bash.bashrc
      # The systemwide per-interactive-shell startup file
$ /etc/bash.bash.logout
      # The systemwide login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
$ ~/.bash_profile
      # The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
$ ~/.bashrc
      # The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
$ ~/.bash_logout
      # The individual login shell cleanup file, executed when a login shell exits
$ ~/.inputrc
      # Individual readline initialization file

# Purpose

# system-wide defaults for..
	1. /etc/profile ..login shells, for interactive shells with login
	2. /etc/bashrc ..non-login Bash shells
# user-specific defaults in home directory ~ for..
	1. ~/.profile ..login shells, called after login
	2. ~/.bashrc ..non-login shells, if already logged in
	3. ~/.bash_profile ..login shells, called after login (lower priority)

# user-specific defaults in home directory for login and logout
	1. ~/.bash_login ..login shells (called upon login)
	2. ~/.bash_logout ..login shells (called upon logout)

Code Example
Shell :: delete all containers created x hours ago 
Shell :: bash redirect all output 
Shell :: bash if greater than 
Shell :: add all changes and commit in git 
Shell :: infinite loop bash 
Shell :: vim terminal scrollback 
Shell :: pip install package to specific directory 
Shell :: revert local commit 
Shell :: One command to create a directory and file inside it linux command 
Shell :: git ignore changes to file 
Shell :: ng cli generate component 
Shell :: shell method 
Shell :: ubuntu vim-plug install 
Shell :: adding remote origin git 
Shell :: search commit git 
Shell :: how to view all processes in powershell 
Shell :: linux adb 
Shell :: find and kill the process on a specific port windows 
Shell :: manjaro nodejs 
Shell :: add current directory to path 
Shell :: error: cannot run ssh: No such file or directory 
Shell :: install font awesome linux 
Shell :: linux bash script to clean up log files 
Shell :: sh is null if 
Shell :: linux get user id 
Shell :: linux how to undeo ctrl+z 
Shell :: upgrade bash version mac 
Shell :: files tar.gz 
Shell :: makefile ifeq or 
Shell :: terraform script to create s3 bucket 
Source link
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