

linux tar command

Create a new tar archive.
$ tar cvf archive_name.tar dirname/

Extract from an existing tar archive.
$ tar xvf archive_name.tar

View an existing tar archive.
$ tar tvf archive_name.tar

tar command

# Create (-c) and file (-f) file1 and file2 into "archive.tar"
tar -cf archive.tar file1 file2 
# Extract archived.tar into its content files into current directory
tar -xf archive.tar
# Extract archived.tar into its content files into given directory
tar -xf archive.tar -C given/directory
# List files in archive.tar
tar -tv archive.tar

tar command

tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file

#-c: Create an archive.
#-z: Compress the archive with gzip.
#-v: Display progress in the terminal while creating the archive, also known as “verbose” mode. The v is always optional in these commands, but it’s helpful.
#-f: Allows you to specify the filename of the archive.
#-x : Extract the archive 
#-t : displays or lists files in archived file 
#-u : archives and adds to an existing archive file 
#-A : Concatenates the archive files  
#-j : filter archive tar file using tbzip 
#-W : Verify a archive file 
#-r : update or add file or directory in already existed .tar file 

Code Example
Shell :: unzip file to folder 
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Source link
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