

vscode find all @media

If using VS Code 'Search Panel' to match all '@media' queries
with regex, use keyboard shortcuts instead (Mac):

1. Select the '@media'
2. Select all instances 'Cmd + Shift + L'
3. Expand selection (TWICE) 'Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + -> (right arrow)'
   should have selected all from '@media' to last '}'

Code Example
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Shell :: the demonstration data of 2 module(s) failed to install and were disabled 
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Shell :: node_modules permission mkdir 
Shell :: install codium Fedora 
Shell :: view files added to next commit after running git add 
Shell :: powershell cat equivalent 
Shell :: Install PNPM in your linux distro 
Shell :: download ubports-installer 
Shell :: Guardar cambios en una rama nueva 
Shell :: linux pki wildcard 
Shell :: uniq only print unique lines 
Shell :: mongo-sanitize github 
Shell :: fish tab completion color 
Shell :: Install both Heimdall Proxy and Central Console on a single host 
Shell :: install convox 
Shell :: xdg_config_dirs set incorrectly 
Shell :: what is --save-dev check when we install a pachage 
Shell :: snap remove revision 
Shell :: select all folder except one in command line 
Shell :: Failed to save two-factor authentication : The Perl module Authen::OATH needed for two-factor authentication is not installed. Use the Perl Modules page in Webmin to install it. 
Shell :: ubuntu black screen recording 
Shell :: install kubernetes plg 
Source link
3+5 =