

what is github

GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting
for software development version control using Git. In 2018, it became a
subsidiary of Microsoft for US$7.5 billion.

It offers the distributed version control and source code management
functionality of Git, plus its own features.

what is github

GitHub is a web-based Git or version control repository on the Internet with
a hosting service. It offers the distributed version control and source code
management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own new features.

what is guthub

Github is used to upload your code to back it up. You can also use the public code like you want, just make sure you respect the licence ;)

Code Example
Shell :: cast my phone screen on laptop in arch linux 
Shell :: ERROR: Failed building wheel for kiwisolver 
Shell :: how to convert a function from powershell in c# 
Shell :: gradle init scala 
Shell :: snap install fingerprint 
Shell :: kali nethunter linux install auf windows 
Shell :: golang msys2 
Shell :: linux make cpu spike 
Shell :: a command is running and send en email when completed in ubuntu 
Shell :: check files created in the last x days linux 
Shell :: create batch file to delete folders and subfolders 
Shell :: crontab reverse shell 
Shell :: git add remote via ssh 
Shell :: where are php errors logged 
Shell :: how to hide log in background job in linux 
Shell :: apt install youtube-dl 
Shell :: PrestaShop installation needs to write critical files in the folder var/cache 
Shell :: bash for tuple 
Shell :: linux ls sort by biggest file first 
Shell :: E: Unable to locate package rvm 
Shell :: create a new repository from command line 
Shell :: non-docker root 
Shell :: update surge project 
Shell :: terminal find containing directory of file and cd to directory 
Shell :: install foxit pdf reader on ubuntu 20.04 
Shell :: docker based setup 
Shell :: kubernetes ui tools 
Shell :: ubuntu set desktop as default bashrc 
Shell :: change file creation metadata 
Shell :: start bungeecord server 
Source link
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