

child row: a foreign key constraint fails

I discovered another weird case: If you accidentally create a foreign key from an InnoDB table to a MyISAM table, MySQL throws this error at time of insert even if the data is otherwise valid.

Code Example
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Sql :: select month from date in sql 
Sql :: sql gap missing values 
Sql :: oracle date summer time 
Sql :: how to add foreign key in mysql 8.0 while creating table 
Sql :: Raw into column 
Sql :: FILENAME /usr/bin/mysql does not exists. Make sure correct path is set in /etc/dump admin/settings.conf. 
Sql :: How to insert NULL value in MySQL 
Sql :: check records older than 10 days 
Sql :: how to make full text search dynamic in mysql 
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Sql :: composite primary key sql 
Sql :: mysql dump everythign 
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Sql :: pass timestamp in sql quqey of sql server 
Sql :: create more than 1 tables with references to each other in sqlite3 
Sql :: which is the order of precedence among following operator IN OUT AND OR in sql 
Sql :: mysql server on and off 
Sql :: sum over partition by postgresql 
Sql :: sql get latest of 2 datetimes 
Source link
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