

ERROR 3948 (42000): Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides

-- ERROR 3950 (42000): Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled 
-- on both the client and server side

-- First enable the local variable [local_infile] and quit.
mysql> SET GLOBAL local_infile=1;
mysql> quit
-- Reconnect using your credentials:
mysql --local-infile=1 -u root -p1
-- Load your data, example:
mysql> load data local infile '/path/pet.txt' into table pet;
-- Enjoy!

Code Example
Sql :: create table in sql server 
Sql :: copy data from one table to another mysql 
Sql :: postgres how to index a column 
Sql :: remove auto increment mysql 
Sql :: oracle sql copy table without data 
Sql :: osx stop mysql service 
Sql :: rename a column in sql server 
Sql :: mariadb date equals to current_date plus days 
Sql :: opening xampp mysql in cmd ubuntu 
Sql :: postgresql grant owner to user 
Sql :: sql currency format 
Sql :: postgres 11 add primary key 
Sql :: how to remove unique key in mysql 
Sql :: mysql change value 
Sql :: mysql create table from select statement 
Sql :: createdb with postgresql on ubuntu 
Sql :: sql alter table order by 
Sql :: sum value by month sql 
Sql :: mysql import from sql file 
Sql :: show table info mysql 
Sql :: update in sql server table 
Sql :: sqlite show columns 
Sql :: mysql case when in select 
Sql :: query to find second highest salary 
Sql :: oracle sql sort ascending 
Sql :: sql restore backup query 
Sql :: if else in mysql stored procedure 
Sql :: sql select all records from all tables where not empty 
Sql :: dbms_metadata.get_ddl table 
Sql :: mysql in 
Source link
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