

install mysql on amazon linux instance

sudo yum update -y 
#The Amazon Linux default repositories contains Mariadb packages for the installation. To install MySQL community relese, first configure MySQL yum repository on your machine.

sudo rpm -Uvh 
#After that run the following command to install the MySQL 5.7 packages on your systems. This will also install all other required dependencies.
sudo yum install mysql-community-server 
#Once the MySQL installation completed on your Amazon Linux system. You need to enable the MySQL service to start on system boot. Also, start service using the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable mysqld 
sudo systemctl start mysqld 

#Once you start MySQL server for the first time, an auto generated password is set for the root account. You can find this password in MySQL logs.
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log 

install mysql in amazon linux 2

sudo yum update -y 

sudo yum install -y mariadb-server

sudo systemctl enable mariadb

sudo systemctl start mariadb

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Code Example
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Sql :: delete all rows from table sql 
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Sql :: oracle view source 
Sql :: What is the compatibility level of a SQL database 
Sql :: date_format for time sql 
Sql :: mysql show all tables 
Sql :: sql server loop over query 
Sql :: list columns in table postgres 
Sql :: mysql order by desc limit 
Sql :: mysql get age from date 
Sql :: add postgresql to path 
Sql :: delete all table oracle 
Sql :: view linked servers sql 
Sql :: get latest record in sql 
Sql :: how to fetch alternate records from two tables 
Sql :: Step 1: Installing MySQL Client You can install MySQL client directly through pip using the command pip install mysqlclient 
Sql :: how to delete git repo locally 
Sql :: ubuntu install postgresql 12 
Sql :: python escape string for sql 
Sql :: hangfire clear all jobs 
Sql :: mysql incrementation 
Sql :: date less than current date sql 
Sql :: mysql does sentence contain word 
Sql :: how to check xampp mysql password 
Sql :: how to know the username of postgresql 
Source link
6+7 =