

mysql bind-address default value

check mysql version

mysql --version

Default value of bind-address shows below:

Default Value (>= 5.6.6) *
Default Value (<= 5.6.5)
So actually don't need set bind-address for above mysql version.

check mysql config file location

$ which mysqld
 $ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --verbose --help | grep -A 1 "Default options"
 Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /usr/local/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

check is there any bind-address config in above config files.

restart mysqld service

service mysqld restart

confirm mysql user created with user@'%' to allow user connect mysql outside.

Code Example
Sql :: create a plsql object 
Sql :: group by sql not ordering issues 
Sql :: update field in sql to null 
Sql :: load data from text file to mysql database on mac terminal 
Sql :: logical operators in sql 
Sql :: desinstaller mysql sur ubuntu definitivement 
Sql :: how to set all the time serveroutput on in oracle sql developer 
Sql :: sql query order 
Sql :: sql server whoami 
Sql :: limit and offset in stored procedure mssql 
Sql :: mysql update multiple columns 
Sql :: SQL:RANK function to delete duplicate rows 
Sql :: insert json file to mssql 
Sql :: update query in linked server 
Sql :: postgresql insert multiple rows 
Sql :: longtext sql 
Sql :: postgresql alter column data type from integer to integer array 
Sql :: Find the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat, and list in the order of age 
Sql :: postgresql select top 1 from each group 
Sql :: sql searching via key word 
Sql :: create table 
Sql :: sql to excel pgadmin 
Sql :: alter table add multiple columns mysql 
Sql :: sql delete table 
Sql :: joint query 
Sql :: oracle select 
Sql :: create table 
Sql :: what is mysql 
Sql :: inner join vs outer join 
Sql :: mod in sql 
Source link
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