

mysql grant user wildcard database

grant all on `projectA\_%`.* to `projectA`@`%`;

mysql grant user wildcard database

GRANT CREATE ON `foobar%`.* TO 'foobaruser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'foobarpass';

Code Example
Sql :: how to change the field size of an existing column 
Sql :: homebrew/sqlitestudio 
Sql :: how to check table engine in mysql 
Sql :: SQL Deleting a View 
Sql :: select from where 
Sql :: oracle query to find schema you are working on 
Sql :: There are multiple records in a table and some are duplicates. Which command will fetch only one copy of the duplicate records? Pick ONE option SELECT DISTINCT SELECT UNIQUE SELECT DIFFERENT All of the above 
Sql :: error access to system table innodb is rejected 
Sql :: sql select in where clause for when more than one records exists 
Sql :: database schema for mcqs type exam in sql 
Sql :: sql select upcoming birthdays 
Sql :: oracle index hint multiple tables example 
Sql :: python and mysql connectivity 
Sql :: what is in operator in sql 
Sql :: oracle find constraints referencing a table 
Sql :: how to create foreign key in sql server management studio 
Sql :: capabilities of sql select statements 
Sql :: get month and year from date in mysql sequelize 
Sql :: difference berween database and data base management system 
Sql :: select all domains of database firbird 
Csharp :: ms crm set state request dynamics 365 set state request 
Csharp :: unity check collider layer 
Csharp :: how to detect a mouse click in unity 
Csharp :: unity how to convert to byte 
Csharp :: c# copy file to directory 
Csharp :: c# check if textbox is not empty 
Csharp :: c# datetime dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss 
Csharp :: raycast shoot unity 
Csharp :: unity log 
Csharp :: c# if debug 
Source link
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