

oracle query archive mode

query to see if you are in ARCHIVELOG mode:
This can also be queried in Oracel SQL developer.

SQL> archive log list;
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;
You can also run this UNIX/Linux command 
to see if you are running in archivelog mode.  
If you are in ARCHIVELOG mode, 
you will see rows returned by this ps command:

$ ps -ef|grep -i _arc

Code Example
Sql :: Sql testing queries 
Sql :: how to make full text search dynamic in mysql 
Sql :: report in database 
Sql :: firebird where 
Sql :: fill a coulmn with a certain value sql 
Sql :: strftime format sqlite 
Sql :: add sqlcmd to path linux 
Sql :: download sql file of countries names 
Sql :: pastashoppen 
Sql :: sql script to get a type task on jira datbase for 12 months 
Sql :: sql server separar numeros por comas miles 
Sql :: select a row include list of array with join two table SQL 
Sql :: coursera spark sql max count 
Sql :: ltrim entire column sql select query 
Sql :: postgres call view 
Sql :: set default value now() date 
Sql :: ring get column value from the fetched row using the odbc_getdata() 
Sql :: Limit in access query 
Sql :: sql case 1 add a string 
Sql :: Mysql get routine parameter list 
Sql :: datagrip go to line 
Sql :: create trigger in phpmyadmin 
Sql :: SQL Deleting a View 
Sql :: copy table structure from postgresql to mysql 
Sql :: inner joint 
Sql :: dbt unique key 
Sql :: full outer join in sql 
Sql :: count with where 
Sql :: before delete trigger mysql 
Sql :: timing sql queries 
Source link
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