

query archive mode

query to see if you are in ARCHIVELOG mode:
This can also be queried in Oracel SQL developer.

SQL> archive log list;
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;
You can also run this UNIX/Linux command 
to see if you are running in archivelog mode.  
If you are in ARCHIVELOG mode, 
you will see rows returned by this ps command:

$ ps -ef|grep -i _arc

Code Example
Sql :: events not working db 
Sql :: narural join 
Sql :: sqlite explain plan 
Sql :: user defined variables in sql 
Sql :: open database restricted mode oracle 
Sql :: root mysqu 
Sql :: mysql create database if not exists 
Sql :: no customers ordered 
Sql :: least spark sql 
Sql :: mysql order specific records at the top 
Sql :: acceso denegado en msql 
Sql :: how to count with except in psql 
Sql :: mysql update all record removing 2 hours from column 
Sql :: postgres row expiration 
Sql :: BigQuery: join 2 tables but only choosing rows based on date column 
Sql :: oracle sql date summer time 
Sql :: SQL MAX() and MIN() in Nested SELECT 
Sql :: sql insert multiple rows from another table 
Sql :: combine islands dates sql 
Sql :: count record in same name condition 
Sql :: default order by in mysql 
Sql :: Insert into ... values ( SELECT ... FROM ... ) 
Sql :: ring get columns count in the query result using the odbc_colcount() 
Sql :: fonction stockée pl/sql 
Sql :: *Action: Options are to resolve the compilation/authorization errors, disable the trigger, or drop the trigger. 
Sql :: sql convert 
Sql :: sql random date between two dates 
Sql :: calcular edad en oracle 
Sql :: tsql set database ownership 
Sql :: pl/pgsql declare variable 
Source link
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