

sql where keyword

Filters results to only include data which meets the given condition.
Example: Returns orders with a quantity of more than 1 item.
SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE quantity > 1;

WHERE keyword SQL

-- The WHERE keyword allows you to filter based on both text and numeric values in a table. 

-- There are a few different comparison operators you can use:
-- = equal
-- <> not equal
-- < less than
-- > greater than
-- <= less than or equal to
-- >= greater than or equal to

SELECT example_column
FROM example_table
WHERE example_column = 'example_value';

Code Example
Sql :: psql connect as user with password 
Sql :: SQL rounding numbers 
Sql :: mysql update row 
Sql :: sql concat string with column value 
Sql :: delete temp table if exists 
Sql :: mysql install with docker 
Sql :: how to sort names in alphabetical order in sql 
Sql :: delete dublicate rows sql 
Sql :: how to see the query of a view in mysql 
Sql :: postgresql to_char time 
Sql :: sql trim all spaces 
Sql :: show constraints mysql 
Sql :: copy postgres table from one schema into another 
Sql :: how to rename a database in tsql 
Sql :: postgres statistics 
Sql :: Query the list of CITY names starting with vowels (i.e., a, e, i, o, or u) from STATION. Your result cannot contain duplicates. 
Sql :: psql get table data types 
Sql :: mysql subdate 
Sql :: how to find database collation in postgres 
Sql :: mysql on update current_timestamp 
Sql :: create table in microsoft sql server 
Sql :: create stored procedure 
Sql :: if else in postgresql 
Sql :: oracle first row 
Sql :: sql calculate working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays 
Sql :: postgresql check privileges on schema 
Sql :: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 12 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. 
Sql :: mysql update with join 
Sql :: check if has alpha characters sql 
Sql :: get column types SQL SERVER 
Source link
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